COVID-19: This is a Time for the Church to Shine – Episode 28

COVID-19: This is a Time for the Church to Shine – Episode 28


It’s a crazy season in ministry, to say the least. A lot of changes have happened really quickly and it’s left a lot of churches scrambling to piece ministry together. However, where we go from here is crucial as ministry leaders.

This is not a time to shrink back, fight back against, or ignore. It is a time for us to put all our methods on the table and figure out how we leverage the shifts in our world to reach our community. This is not a time for us to “wait it out” or remain insider-focused, but instead is such a clear opportunity for the Church to make a meaningful and lasting difference in our local communities.

So today on the podcast, we have an encouraging, honest, and hope-filled conversation as we all navigate COVID-19. We hope it is a support for you today!

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Here are some key takeaways from today’s conversation:

  1. We can’t ignore the coronavirus. This is not a time to go along with “business as usual,” ignoring the shifts that have happened in our world. We have to address what’s happening in the world, we have to listen to the guidelines set by our government, and we need to be lead strong.
  2. This truly is a time for the Church to shine. Seasons of fear and insecurity tend to lead people to discover (or rediscover) God. Let’s be intentional about providing for the real needs in our community and engaging our community in new ways.
  3. The option to avoid having an intentional digital presence is no longer on the table. The reality is that the effects of COVID-19 will last for quite some time. How are you intentionally ministering to both the people in your church and the whole community you minister to with the tools available to you?

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