Bob Hamp on Finding Healing in Ministry, Being Performance-Oriented, and the Stalled National Conference – Episode 94

Bob Hamp on Finding Healing in Ministry, Being Performance-Oriented, and the Stalled National Conference – Episode 94


(Are you signed up for our National Conference in November? Get all the details here!)

“We think that our job is to get people to go along with the things Jesus suggested as opposed to heal the broken.”

You may already know this, but this man changed my (Dale’s) life… Bob Hamp is the Founder of Think Differently Academy and is a Marriage & Family Therapist. I talk about him a lot in my book Stalled, particularly regarding the profound effect his teaching called “The Problem Jesus Came to Solve” had on my life and my journey towards health. In my recent sabbatical, he played a huge part in that as well.

And our last podcast episode with him is by far our most popular podcast episode ever… more than double what’s in the #2 spot!

In this episode, you basically get to listen in on some live counseling takeaways before we jump into talking about how we’re partnering together on our upcoming national conference and what Bob is hoping for church leaders right now.

Listen in!


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Key Takeaways

1) “We think that our job is to get people to go along with the things Jesus suggested as opposed to heal the broken.” True healing is not really about what we know or what we do; instead, it’s about Who we know and Who we’re connected to.

2) “Crisis isn’t inherently negative; crisis just means a reshuffling.” 

3) Sometimes ministry feels like going underwater, and it’s important to come up for air.

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