4 Last-Minute Reminders for Easter This Year – Episode 31

4 Last-Minute Reminders for Easter This Year – Episode 31


Our defaults have been taken away. The normalcy or tradition we rely on has been removed. So how should we respond?

Austin and I share some honest thoughts (and a little bit of preachin’) about your role during this crisis, what our Easter efforts should focus on this year, and some reminders about the opportunities you have during this season of ministry. And we walk through 4 important reminders for you to consider, no matter if you’re planning an online service, a casual Facebook Live video, sharing premade content, or anything else.

We’re cheering you on during this season! We continue to be encouraged by the efforts we see churches taking to minister to their community right now. And we hope this episode is an encouragement to you!

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Links to Resources Mentioned or Related

Here are some key takeaways from today’s conversation:

  1. Don’t put too much pressure on your shoulders. We see a lot of pastors putting all the weight of their congregation’s spiritual lives on their shoulders right now. Give yourself the space to take care of you as well.
  2. Remember that form follows function. Why we exist is the foundation of what we do. Don’t let “what we’ve done” in the past be the driving force behind “what we do” this year.
  3. Are you structured for growth? The opportunity before us this year and during this season is incredible. But remember that God rarely pours out His breath where there’s not a structure to contain it. If you’re praying for Him to move, are you prepared for Him to move?

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