Creating Space (w/ Bryan Sims) – Episode 271

Creating Space (w/ Bryan Sims) – Episode 271

Bryan Sims of Spiritual Leadership Inc. joins Dale on today’s 95Podcast to discuss his new book, “Creating Space: Cultivating Environments for Disciples of Jesus to Thrive and Multiply.” Bryan coauthored the book with Craig Robertson. The inspiration behind the book was that he wanted to see our discipleship models in the local church move toward a more relationship-driven atmosphere instead of a program-driven one.

The goal is to create PSDs (Passionate Spiritual Disciples) throughout the local church. Our conversation is filled with practical ways to move your discipleship pathway to become more relationship-focused.

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Key Takeaways

1) Our experience has shown that most churches have a common disconnect between their programming and intentional environments for spiritual growth congregants seek.

2) Growth and passion can only occur when individuals feel a strong sense of belonging.

3) Creating discipleship engagement can significantly impact an individual embracing their calling.

4) There is no way to measure the importance of allowing room for the Holy Spirit’s work in discipleship.


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