Developing A Discipleship Framework (w/ Robby Angle) – Episode 273

Developing A Discipleship Framework (w/ Robby Angle) – Episode 273

Robby Angle is passionate about discipleship. He understands the need to customize the ministry pathway your church has to align with its mission and vision. At the root of it all, Robby knows that the most effective discipleship flows out of authentic relationships developed through consistent interaction.

Robby’s conversation with Dale on today’s 95Podcast only scratches the surface of the resources he has made available through RightNow Media’s Discipleship Framework. He desires to partner with any church to create effective and impactful discipleship.

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Key Takeaways

1) It’s impossible to quantify the impact of relational discipleship mentors. Creating a safe atmosphere for honest conversation is foundational in facilitating lasting life-change.

2) The goal for every discipleship pathway should be to create small group environments for optimal interaction.

3) Your church must define your discipleship strategy before embracing a format. Impactful discipleship happens best when a desired outcome is articulated up front.

4) Great discipleship is built on the shoulders of mature volunteers. The goal of the paid staff should always be to equip leaders and release them for success.


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