Disciples Making Disciples (w/ Tim Walker) – Episode 235

Disciples Making Disciples (w/ Tim Walker) – Episode 235

Tim Walker has spent over a decade pastoring Restored Church in Wilkes Barre, PA. He learned from the beginning the importance of being a disciple-maker. This intentional ministry focus has allowed Restored Church to see the transformation of many lives.

Tim also serves as a facilitator for The Timothy Initiative USA. His passion for discipleship permeates today’s podcast conversation. Tim also shared information about an in-person training sponsored by The Timothy Initiative USA that is coming up this summer.

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Key Takeaways

1) The end goal of true discipleship is to disciple someone until they become a disciple-maker.

2) Program-based discipleship usually teaches and trains an individual to grow and develop on a personal level. However, it lacks the intentionality necessary to help them become a teacher and trainer.

3) We have so many wonderful stories of lives that have been transformed over years of discipleship training. We also have stories of those who refused to follow through and ended up falling out of church.

4) The Timothy Initiative USA is among today’s best disciple-making training processes. They have many years of proven and impactful results in producing changed lives!


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