Forgiving Forward (w/ Bruce & Toni Hebel) – Episode 181

Forgiving Forward (w/ Bruce & Toni Hebel) – Episode 181

Bruce and Toni Hebel know how hard ministry can be. Several difficult church pastorates brought them to a place of deep hurt and emotional pain. However, their breakthroughs came as they came face to face with Jesus’ call to forgive those who had hurt them entirely.

Today, Bruce and Toni lead hundreds of people through a process that brings past issues to the surface to be completely set free and move forward. This podcast will probably lead you to a place of serious introspection to make sure there is not an offense of the past holding you back today.


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Key Takeaways

1) Pastoring and ministry leadership pain can often lead to deep-seated unforgiveness. Truthfully, the pain will not be healed by ignoring it. Instead, you must seek help once you realize you are stalled.

2) A pastor’s spouse and children often carry unforgiveness towards those who hurt their spouse and parents. However, there is usually no clear path for them to receive ministry.

3) God takes seriously the price His Son paid to provide our forgiveness. Therefore, He will not tolerate his leaders and children withholding forgiveness toward others.

4) Physical ailments can often be rooted in carrying years of unforgiveness.


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