From Disaster To Disciple Making (w/ Tom & Suzi Steele) – Episode 239

From Disaster To Disciple Making (w/ Tom & Suzi Steele) – Episode 239

Tom and Suzi Steele were on a much-needed vacation in Virginia Beach, trying to recover from a difficult season of pandemic-related ministry. They received an unexpected phone call that shook them to the core. A severe thunderstorm produced a strike of lightning that hit their church steeple. The result was a fire that burned the church to the ground, so much for a relaxing vacation.

Today’s 95Podcast features a conversation with Tom & Suzi discussing the impact of the catastrophic effects of the fire. They also update us on how the church is doing today and how they processed these events.

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Key Takeaways

1) After much prayer and a long walk on the beach, Tom & Suzi felt that the current season of leading Iowa City Church was over. . . It was over. However, it was not like they expected.

2) There comes a time when you must get apart before you fall apart.

3) Today, more than ever, we have a solid understanding that the church is not a building. The church is a group of people committed to serving Jesus and each other even in the most difficult situations.

4) True discipleship creates disciples who learn to disciple others.


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