How to Love Your Neighbor (w/ Jonathan Weibel & Steve Lutz) – Episode 79

How to Love Your Neighbor (w/ Jonathan Weibel & Steve Lutz) – Episode 79


Imagine a movement of people loving their neighbors that leads to revival and renewal in our churches, our cities, and our world.

That’s exactly what Jonathan Weibel & Steve Lutz are pursuing through Front Yard Mission.

Through a mutual connection, we had the opportunity to connect with these guys, and they are just fun people, but most importantly they are doing some incredible work. In today’s episode, we chat about why many Christians don’t prioritize relationships with the people in closest proximity to them, how we’ve flipped Jesus’ model of discipleship, what it means to love our neighbors, and how leaders can release control to increase impact.

This is one you’ll want to listen in on!

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Key Takeaways

1) “We’ve been so focused on the event of church that we’ve lost some of the focus on loving our neighbors.” This is a discipleship problem. Too often we flip the value of “learning” and “doing.” If we think back to how Jesus discipled, he really emphasized learning while doing.

2) “If following Jesus is not relevant the moment you walk out your front door, something is off.” Friends, this is the Church. This is what it’s about. How relevant are you to your community, outside the four walls of your church?

3) “What if your location was more important than your vocation?” God specifically placed you in your area, even in your home, for a specific purpose, to build relationships with the people in closest proximity to you.

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