Get Your Burning Before You Get Your Learning (w/ Stacey Foster) – Episode 157

Get Your Burning Before You Get Your Learning (w/ Stacey Foster) – Episode 157

Stacey Foster knows what it’s like to have a “testimony” of being far from God. However, his actual testimony began on the night he lay on his bed and asked Jesus to save him. That night Stacey started a journey that was unimaginable to him at that moment.

Stacey joins Dale to talk about many things currently impacting the church and society. His work with church leaders through Compassion International is having a significant impact in America and worldwide.


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Key Takeaways

1) God can redeem the most broken life when they are willing to cry out to Him for salvation.

2) It’s possible to have success in church planting when you haven’t been trained. However, it is much easier if you do have specific training.

3) A mentor once said, “Get your burning BEFORE you get your learning.” If you don’t, you may reach a place of self-reliance instead of Spirit-reliance.

4) The key to being a bridge-builder in racial reconciliation is first being a person of prayer. In Jesus’ prayer in the garden, His heart desired that we would all become one. Once you’ve prayed, be intentional about pursuing relationships with people from other cultures.


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