God Of The Gray Area (w/ Trevor Williams) – Episode 199

God Of The Gray Area (w/ Trevor Williams) – Episode 199

Trevor Williams has always allowed the Lord to develop into someone who fights back whenever he gets knocked down. Traumatic events from childhood, his teen years, physical injury, and even deployment to Iraq didn’t keep him down.

However, the impact of suddenly losing his wife and mother of his three children was a punch that sent Trevor reeling. Today’s 95Podcast is a powerful story of how Trevor found the hope and help he needed through his relationship with Jesus, allowing him to pursue a healing path. Trevor’s life is such a beautiful example of the grace of God bringing beauty from the devastating events that rocked his world.


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Key Takeaways

1) One of the things that helped Trevor work through such an impactful traumatic event was drawing from his experience of dealing with past traumas. 

2) The Lord redeemed Trevor’s relationship with his father, allowing them to develop a close relationship later in life. He chooses to forgive even though his dad wasn’t there for him at some critical intervals in life.

3) Life can change in an instant. When it does, it’s essential to have community and honest relationships to help you work through it.

4) Many ministry leaders try to “trudge on through” the traumatic events they’ve experienced to be a stoic example to those they lead. However, transparent leadership that moves forward slowly as you work through your grief is such a better example for your followers to see.


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