How Are You Doing? (w/ Dale & Kevin) – Episode 254

How Are You Doing? (w/ Dale & Kevin) – Episode 254

95Network’s podcast producer, Kevin Smith, joins Dale on today’s podcast to discuss some of the difficult things that many of us are experiencing during this current season. Kevin has served in both small and large churches in various capacities, gaining a wealth of wisdom and knowledge from his experiences.

Their conversation covers some of the highs and lows of long-term ministry service. Kevin and Dale share some very practical next steps that are sure to help you if you’re experiencing a season of ministry stress.

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Key Takeaways

1) It’s not a matter of “if” stressful times will occur in your ministry. It’s just a matter of “when” those seasons occur.

2) A sure sign that you’re in an unhealthy place is revealed when you go on vacation. Can you actually “turn it off” and stop thinking about work when you find yourself away from work?

3) If your family was interviewed, would they say you prioritize them above your ministry or your ministry above them?

4) One of the most important things you can do is to reach out for help when you find yourself trapped in something unhealthy. It never turns out well when we proceed full-steam ahead while ignoring the warning signs. 


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