Impactful Men’s Ministry (w/ Wendell Morton) – Episode 233

Impactful Men’s Ministry (w/ Wendell Morton) – Episode 233

The need for impactful ministry to men is crucial in today’s culture. However, many churches seem to have put this ministry focus on the back burner. Wendell Morton of Men’s Ministry Catalyst joins Dale on today’s 95Podcast to discuss the ever-increasing need for consistent and strategic ministry to the men in your community.

They both transparently share the impact of growing up with fathers who were in the home but still emotionally disconnected from their sons. This conversation brings to light how even more impactful it is for young men to grow up without a father in the home.

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Key Takeaways

1) It’s possible to lead one of the country’s most impactful ministries to men and still lose your marriage. There are too many examples of pastors losing their own families while trying to reach families in their community.

2) Most of us get our verbal affirmation from our mothers. However, a shift takes place as we get older that highlights the need for emotional blessing from our fathers.

3) Statistics show that reaching men will usually reach the family, too.

4) Our churches must address real and current issues facing our culture as part of their overall ministry emphasis.


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