In Tribute To Tony Morgan: Do Something Even If It’s Wrong (w/ Tony Morgan) – Episode 251

In Tribute To Tony Morgan: Do Something Even If It’s Wrong (w/ Tony Morgan) – Episode 251

Tony Morgan is our dear friend and a gifted author, speaker, and strategist. In 2009, he founded The Unstuck Group, which, in their words, has “a mission to get churches unstuck.” The Unstuck Group has consulted with over 550 churches to create a vision and strategy to help them gain momentum in reaching people for Christ. 

We’re so excited to have Tony with us today. We’re talking a lot about the wave of new people coming to church and how we can provide a welcoming place for them. Tony has some encouraging and constructive advice about navigating change and being intentional and faithful about making bold moves in your church. 


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Key Takeaways

1) There’s a fresh new wave of people coming to church. Right now, many people are struggling mentally and emotionally, and they’re looking to the church for help. We must come to church expecting guests to show up and be ready to connect with them. 

2) We tend to get married to our methods. Many of us are doing church the way we’ve always done it. The primary reason churches get “stuck” is that they’ve let the way they do church become more important than the why they do church. 

3) Every church should be considering some bold moves. Now is the time to make changes—we have the opportunity to start fresh! Plus, stepping out in faith means leaning into God. It forces us to be more intentional and more dependent on the Lord.

4) Before planning and implementing change, ask the “why” questions first. When considering change, we need to begin with the basics. Why do we exist as a church? What has God called us to do? Who are we trying to reach? When we make these questions the foundation of our mission, our methods will naturally fall into place.


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