Intentionally Caring For Your Soul (w/ Jason Allison) – Episode 247

Intentionally Caring For Your Soul (w/ Jason Allison) – Episode 247

95Network team member Jason Allison joins Dale on today’s 95Podcast to discuss the impact of our Soul Care Essentials Conference. Jason has facilitated several conferences throughout 2024. Today’s discussion concerns the impact he is seeing firsthand as a conference leader.

Many pastors and church leaders ignore their emotional health while providing ministry help to others. Jason and Dale explore some of the reasons why pastors do this and highlight some of the practical benefits of being intentional about taking care of one’s own soul.

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Key Takeaways

1) It’s amazing to see how pastors respond when it is suggested that God expects them to sabbath by taking a literal day off each week.

2) Unaddressed emotional issues eventually come out in the open for everyone to see.

3) The majority of pastors in America say they don’t have one close personal friend.

4) Soul care doesn’t “just happen.” You must intentionally care for your soul, marriage, family, and physical health. These things don’t take care of themselves automatically because you serve in ministry.


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