Navigating Expectations & Reaching the Next Generation (w/ Jacob King) – Episode 96

Navigating Expectations & Reaching the Next Generation (w/ Jacob King) – Episode 96


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I’m so excited to share today’s episode with you. Jacob King is an incredible young man who has wisdom beyond his years. He is a first-year ministry student who has a huge heart for God and for the Church.

I’ve been friends with Jacob’s dad, Clayton, for MANY years. I have seen Jacob grow into his calling in some incredible ways, so I was really excited when he agreed to do the podcast today.

In this conversation, we’re talking about dealing with the expectations of others, discovering our calling, the power of Scripture, reaching the next generation, and so much more.

Listen in!


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Key Takeaways

1) Are you willing to say “yes” when God asks? I loved Jacob’s perspective on the unknown aspects of his future. He doesn’t know where God is leading him, but he knows he’s willing to say “yes.”

2) Our expectations don’t always match up with God’s expectations. This was powerful. As we talked through his experience with people he interacts with who know his family, Jacob honestly shared about the expectations he often places on himself. So many of us experience this, and it’s dangerous when we let those expectations blend with God’s expectations.

3) The value of Scripture can’t be overstated. We know this in our heads, but over time it’s easy to let this truth slip away from really settling in our hearts and how we lead.

4) It’s not our job to make people fall in love with God. That’s God’s job. We’re here to let God use us to bring about His purpose and plan.

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