Making A Difference Through Compassion International (w/ Matt Wilson) – Episode 248

Making A Difference Through Compassion International (w/ Matt Wilson) – Episode 248

Matt Wilson from Compassion International joins Dale on today’s 95Podcast to update us on some new initiatives from Compassion. They have also signed on to sponsor the Soul Care Essentials Conference for another year. Although Compassion is widely known for its work with sponsoring children, it also has a strong commitment to supporting the local church.

Compassion believes that a healthy leader can help develop a healthy ministry. This is one of the reasons they promote soul care health for pastors and staffers.

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Key Takeaways

1) We do everything through the local church. Our desire is to support and strengthen local churches worldwide.

2) The only time some children hear “I love you” is from their Compassion Sponsor.

3) Our desire isn’t just to get children out of poverty. . . it’s actually to get poverty out of children and their families.

4) It’s extremely important for pastors and church staff to be leading from a healthy soul.


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