How We’re Navigating a Team Transition – Episode 60

How We’re Navigating a Team Transition – Episode 60


2021 is going to look just a little different for our team here at 95Network. Austin, our Managing Director, is taking a step out and starting his own content marketing agency. This dream really became a possibility for him as a result of reading Stalled and hosting our new Stalled Conference this Fall.

Transition and change are a reality of any team.

So this week on the podcast, we’re talking about what this change means, how we’re navigating the transition, how Austin and I’s conversation went about this new direction for him, and what his role on the team will continue to be.

Sometimes we stay somewhere too long and our fruitfulness dries up. It’s important for all of us to be aware of whether or not we’re truly in our sweet spot. I hope this episode inspires you in that way.

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Key Takeaways

1) If comfort is what’s keeping you in your current role, that’s a problem. When passion fades, so does effectiveness. If we’re not careful, our sweet spot can quickly become our sour spot.

2) Don’t limit where God is leading your team or congregation members. It can be difficult, but sometimes God leads people to new roles in the ministry or to new ministry opportunities altogether. Don’t stand in the way of that.

3) Structuring for growth requires change. It’s important to structure for where God is leading your ministry because He’s not going to pour out His breath where there’s not a structure to contain it.

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