Our Relationships Are Bigger Than Our Problems (w/ Matt Adair) – Episode 270

Our Relationships Are Bigger Than Our Problems (w/ Matt Adair) – Episode 270

95Network’s Discipleship Director Matt Adair joins Dale on today’s 95Podcast to discuss ways any ministry can create a healthy discipleship pathway. Matt knows the importance of learning about a ministry’s specific DNA before developing the path. There is no “one size fits all” process for effective discipleship. Matt’s approach to helping churches stems from his belief that relationships are the key to effective discipleship.

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Key Takeaways

1) All great discipleship models are built around lasting relationships. 

2) Creating an impactful discipleship pathway for your church should be done out of these three emphases: 1 – Define. 2 – Design. 3 – Develop.

3) The pathway should be built around the passion and mission of each local church. All churches have a specific focus built into their mission/vision, whether they are a new church plant or centuries old.

4) Helping churches change from being programmed-based to pathway-based takes time. However, it can be done if trust is established by honoring where everyone in the room is coming from. 


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