Overcoming The Insecurities of Sharing Your Faith (w/ Mike Jackson) – Episode 246

Overcoming The Insecurities of Sharing Your Faith (w/ Mike Jackson) – Episode 246

While serving with Campus Outreach, Mike Jackson discovered a disconnect between the staff’s outreach/evangelism efforts. That led Mike to start a comprehensive journal that eventually became his first book, “Reaching Your Jerusalem: Overcoming Your Barriers To Sharing The Gospel.”

Mike joins Dale on today’s 95Podcast to discuss the two most significant barriers to effectively sharing your faith. He offers some very practical and easy-to-implement guidance to prepare anyone to present the Gospel message to their family, friends, and co-workers.

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Key Takeaways

1) Finding a church with a strong fervor for evangelism has become increasingly unique.

2) At Campus Outreach, we began to realize that many of our staff who eagerly shared their faith with students stopped doing so upon graduation.

3) The problem isn’t necessarily that people don’t know “how” to share their faith. The real issue is overcoming the barriers that hinder them.

4) A lot of the best evangelists I personally know are introverted.


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