PODCAST RECAST: Forgiving Forward . . . Again! (w/ Bruce & Toni Hebel) – Episode 244

PODCAST RECAST: Forgiving Forward . . . Again! (w/ Bruce & Toni Hebel) – Episode 244

Bruce and Toni Hebel know firsthand how the impact of refusing to forgive can destroy your life. Separate encounters with Jesus led them to experience healing and forgiveness they didn’t know was available. Jesus truly set them free!

They join Dale on today’s 95Podcast to continue sharing about the power of forgiveness. They also give updates on some folks they ministered to with a focus on forgiveness many years ago who are still living in freedom. The power available to the local church to truly impact their communities can be released when the leaders and members choose to walk in forgiveness.


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Key Takeaways

1) Carrying bitterness and unforgiveness towards another person can eventually become a physical sickness.

2) Traumatic events that are not dealt with do not just take care of themselves. They are stored on top of each other in our souls, resulting in devastating consequences.

3) Refusing to forgive someone who has hurt you implies that the Blood of Jesus isn’t powerful enough to heal your situation.

4) Releasing bitterness and unforgiveness doesn’t start a “process” to freedom. Freedom comes the moment we truly forgive and release someone. The pain from the torment is gone!


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