PODCAST RECAST: The Two Views For A Leader: The Window & The Mirror (w/ John Fuller) – Episode 240

PODCAST RECAST: The Two Views For A Leader: The Window & The Mirror (w/ John Fuller) – Episode 240

John Fuller has been in ministry for over three decades. Not growing up in the church, John accepted Jesus as a rough and raw college student. Becoming a Christian led John to do a complete 180 in his life, ultimately resulting in him serving as a youth pastor and eventually the lead pastor of a small church.

Today’s conversation is filled with the wealth and wisdom that comes from understanding the importance of viewing ministry leadership through two different avenues: the Window and the Mirror. You’ll be encouraged and challenged as you hear the things the Lord has taught John from the beginning of his ministry up to recently stepping down as lead pastor of his church after a successful transition.


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Key Takeaways

1) Not growing up in ministry can cause you to feel like an “outsider” when connecting with other ministry leaders. However, it can also give you a healthier perspective on effectively leading others.

2) The example of a trusted mentor taught John the importance of pulling away from the day-to-day of leading and seeking solitude. His annual trip to a monastery has been where he has heard the Lord speak most clearly to him over the years.

3) Succession plans don’t just happen. It takes a long and thorough process to effectively implement a successful transition from one leader to the next. 

4) Developing a team environment is critical when leading a growing organization. The team concept of the elder board allowed John to have open and honest conversations that led to a smooth transition.


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