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Hosted by Dale Sellers, our Executive Director, and a former small church pastor, our 95Network podcast is a wealth of information specifically for small-church pastors—delivered in a candid, kind, and concise way. We cover pressing topics in modern ministry, annual trends, and more.
God Is Doing A New Thing (w/ Eric Metcalf & Jon Ferguson) – Episode 277
One of the greatest things you can do if your discouraged is to find an apprentice to pour into. Discipling someone else has so many benefits including helping to get your focus off of your own problems.
Curiosity Opens Up Possibility (w/ Polly Hamp) – Episode 276
There comes a time when we must allow ourselves to be curious. Curiosity is the pathway to break out of an unhealthy thought life and/or lifestyle.
Preparing For Easter (w/ Aimee Cottle) – Episode 275
We need to balance value and communication. It’s important that we invite people into something. Don’t necessarily make a mass appeal. Zero in on a specific thing that you want them to know.
Less Like Hippos. . . More Like Honey Bees (w/ Dave Coryell) – Episode 274
It takes intentional planning to integrate young people into the rhythm of any ministry. It never happens by chance.
Developing A Discipleship Framework (w/ Robby Angle) – Episode 273
The goal for every discipleship pathway should be to create small group environments for optimal interaction.
Thriving Ministry Marriage (w/ Eric & Gena Boggs) – Episode 272
After observing many ministry marriages, we determined that we would not sacrifice our marriage and our children on the altar of ministry.
Creating Space (w/ Bryan Sims) – Episode 271
Growth and passion can only occur when individuals feel a strong sense of belonging.
Our Relationships Are Bigger Than Our Problems (w/ Matt Adair) – Episode 270
Helping churches to change from being programed based to pathway based takes time. However, it can be done if trust is established by honoring where everyone in the room is coming from.
Becoming New: A 100-Day Journey of Transformation Through God’s Word (w/ Dan Jacobsen) – Episode 269
One of the goals of the devotional book is to move its reader towards spiritual transformation. Just like a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, you can transform from a new Christian to a mature believer through the study of God’s Word.
Decoding Identity (w/ Bob Hamp) – Bonus Episode
Your true identity isn’t wrapped up in all of the things you overcome. It’s found in becoming the person that God created you to be from the start.
Build A Life Together (w/ TJ & Tiffany Deluccia) – Episode 268
An annual retreat creates opportunities for clarifying your vision for your marriage and the life you’re building.