Preparing For Easter (w/ Aimee Cottle) – Episode 275

Preparing For Easter (w/ Aimee Cottle) – Episode 275

Aimee Cottle of Fishhook joins Dale on today’s 95Podcast to discuss effective ways to engage your community this Easter season. It’s always fascinating to hear Aimee share simple ways to help churches connect with their surrounding neighbors. There are so many free tools available to help pastors reach new people that are readily available.

It’s essential to start your preparations early to reach as many people as possible this Easter. Aimee’s passion for sharing the amazing story of Easter will undoubtedly encourage you to do all you can to share the love of Jesus.

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Key Takeaways

1) Make the theme of your Easter outreach that we are “going for the one.”

2) Promotional planning should start with your MAM: M – Mission, A – Audience, M – Message. 

3) Today’s audiences are more interested in “high authenticity” versus “high production.”

4) We need to balance value and communication. We must invite people into something. Don’t necessarily make a mass appeal. Zero in on a specific thing that you want them to know.


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