Sabbatical & Small-Church Pastors – Episode 84

Sabbatical & Small-Church Pastors – Episode 84


You may have already seen this in last week’s article, but starting at the end of this week, I’m headed on a new adventure. My new journey will be to take a 40-day sabbatical, something I’ve never yet had the opportunity to do in my 40 years of ministry.

On today’s episode, Austin and I are sharing some reflections on the decision for me to go on sabbatical, the heartache we feel for pastors who don’t feel like this would ever be an option, and the hope for small-church pastors to replenish.

If you’re in a place in your life where Jesus Himself is calling you to do something, and you can’t do it because of your ministry, you’re in a bad spot.

I am prayerful that this episode will speak to your heart today. And I am trusting it will solidify a message that I believe God is speaking to many of us.

Also: The podcast will still continue while I’m on sabbatical starting this Saturday, and I look forward to sharing what I learn during this period of rest when I get back at the beginning of August!


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Key Takeaways

1) Success in life is more wrapped up in our family than our church. You’ll hear a little bit about this in the game we play up-front, but this is just so true. Often, when the pressure rises around us and within us, we drift towards the wrong perspective.

2) It breaks my heart that so many leaders feel like they can’t take a break. Whatever the reason… money, time, leadership issues, lack of trust, and the list could go on and on. The rat race we’ve all allowed to take place in the Church is not sustainable and is simply not worth sacrificing our own health, marriage, and relationships for.

3) Every major mistake I’ve made in my life happened when I was exhausted. As I look back on 40 years of ministry and marriage, all of the dumbest things I’ve done happened as a result of exhaustion. The takeaway? You can’t lead effectively from a place of exhaustion. You don’t just one day pop out of being exhausted… you have to replenish.

4) If we aren’t listening to something Jesus, Head of the Church, is speaking to us, we think a little too highly of ourselves. Whatever that thing is for you… it’d be wise to listen.

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