Seasons of Insecurity: 7 Questions to Ask – Episode 12

Seasons of Insecurity: 7 Questions to Ask – Episode 12


Every church leader experiences seasons of insecurity. Fluctuating attendance, inconsistent weekly giving, staff issues, board members with agendas, and comparison to other “successful ministries in our region all feed the notion that we’re not good enough to lead our church.

These seasons are sure to occur at various points in our leadership, but how we walk through them determines what lies ahead for our life and the church we lead.

Join us this week on the podcast as we walk through 7 questions to ask during seasons where we’re not sure if we should continue on in ministry:

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Austin’s Social Media Game: We want to get to know you better! This week, our question on our social media game is, “Do you like coffee? If so, how do you take it?” Send us your answer on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn so we can get to know each other better!

Here are some key takeaways from today’s conversation:

  1. We have to take time for what matters. It’s easy to let ministry take a higher priority than consistent Sabbath and a healthy home life. If we don’t intentionally take time for what’s most important, insecurity is inevitable.

  2. Unhealthy expectations are dangerous. If we try to live by unrealistic expectations that we put on ourselves or unhealthy expectations that our congregation has for us, we quickly begin to feel incapable as a pastor.
  3. Denying our feelings of discouragement won’t make them go away. Walking through a season of insecurity or discouragement is not something that you need to feel ashamed about. But it can’t just be ignored. The questions we cover today are great to help you get to the root of your insecurity.

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