PODCAST RECAST: Struggling Well – Post Traumatic Growth (w/ Jon Sanders) – Episode 243

PODCAST RECAST: Struggling Well – Post Traumatic Growth (w/ Jon Sanders) – Episode 243

Jon Sanders, 95Network’s Director of Coaching, joins today’s 95Podcast as a guest, discussing his recent experience at a retreat provided by the Boulder Crest Foundation. The retreat is called Struggle Well. They specialize in providing opportunities to help public servants in the first responder field and military personal work through post-traumatic impact. They focus specifically on Post-traumatic growth.

Jon transparently shares how he didn’t think he needed to spend a week on such a retreat to the point that he even considered not going. However, his life was forever changed as he discovered some deep-seated effects of traumatic encounters that he had experienced. This conversation is essential for anyone who serves in the ministry and as a first responder.


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Key Takeaways

1) It is normal for first responders, as well as pastors, to assume they don’t need a getaway to deal with their traumatic experiences. Almost all of us will typically give up our space for someone else who “really” needs this focus.

2) Deeply seated traumatic events have a lifetime effect on us. They don’t just go away.

3) It’s possible to become so accustomed to living with personal pain that it becomes the norm for our daily routine.

4) The goal of this specific retreat is to help folks learn how to “struggle well,” which is the outcome of post-traumatic growth.


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