Using The Tools The Lord Has Already Provided (w/ Darrell Stetler) – Episode 245

Using The Tools The Lord Has Already Provided (w/ Darrell Stetler) – Episode 245

Darrell Stetler has been a frequent guest on the 95Podcast. Today’s episode is another encouraging conversation for anyone leading a small or midsize church. Darrell always offers practical wisdom from his twenty-one years of experience pastoring the same church.

He reminds us that God is pleased to see us “pick up the tools we already have” to begin building something. He’s not waiting until we finish the project. He gets excited to see His leaders join Him to impact their communities with the Gospel.

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Key Takeaways

1) You’ve got to determine up front that you will outlast your critics if you want to have a sustained ministry.

2) Listen to those around you to gain ideas and insights when building a great team of volunteers. Find someone’s passion and release them to use it.

3) Take advantage of holidays already built into the yearly calendar to connect with your community.

4) God is so excited to see you use the tools He has provided for you to build. It’s not about the finished product. It’s more about the journey of building together with Him.


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