We’re Here To Help (w/ Jimmy Dodd) – Episode 236

We’re Here To Help (w/ Jimmy Dodd) – Episode 236

Jimmy Dodd describes himself as an abrasive, driven leader in the early days of his ministry. He even refers to himself as arrogant to the point where his assumption of anyone who didn’t agree with him was simply wrong. Fortunately, Jimmy had a “come to Jesus” meeting with Jesus! This encounter turned his world and his heart upside down.

For many decades now, Jimmy has been serving broken and discouraged pastors through PastorServe. It’s always a joy for us to have Jimmy on the 95Podcast. His honesty and transparency will encourage you as you listen to his heart for ministry leaders.



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Key Takeaways

1) It’s easy to become an arrogant leader when you never allow anyone to speak truth into your life.

2) God will take the most broken person and restore them. However, there are no shortcuts to experiencing true freedom. At some point, you must look honestly at what got you to where you are today.

3) Pastor Serve exists to help ministry leaders who have lost their way get back on track. You can still be restored no matter how far you’ve gotten off track.

4) Many “successful” ministry leaders discover too late in life that they missed out on the true success that comes from having great family relationships. Far too many build “great” ministries but lose their families.


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