What The New Laws Mean To Your Church (w/ Steven Goodspeed) – Episode 238

What The New Laws Mean To Your Church (w/ Steven Goodspeed) – Episode 238

Steven Goodspeed of My Church Law Firm joins Dale today to discuss the brand new law that is taking effect concerning overtime pay. This is a very informative conversation on exactly what the new law could mean to your church. It only takes one disgruntled employee to cause a big issue when it comes to how compensation is handled by your ministry.

We’ve also included a deeper dive into this with this link to a webinar presented by My Church Law Firm. You can view it here:

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Key Takeaways

1) Changes in employee compensation laws are not something churches should take lightly. It is vital that pastors and church administrators understand how this new law could leave their ministries vulnerable.

2) “The ministerial exception” exempts a minister from coverage under FLSA. However, this is not the same as the minister’s housing allowance.

3) The pressure placed on ministry leaders has created a wave of mental health issues. The encouraging thing is that many leaders are finally reaching out for help.

4) It’s important to consistently remind ourselves of whose Church we lead and Who our leader is. What He has started, He is also able to finish in and through us.


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