How to Create an Atmosphere for Organizational Change

How to Create an Atmosphere for Organizational Change

Every year, churches all across the country are closing simply because they aren’t willing to change. 

But effective change isn’t easy. And pastors of small churches often experience some unique challenges when leading through it.

As we’re working with churches, we see quite a few differing perspectives towards change. A lot of pastors see the need to lead change, but fear the responses that will come as a result. For others, the effort necessary simply doesn’t seem worth it. And some love to lead change, but tend to introduce it too quickly.

So we’re sharing a recent conversation for our 95Network Members where we discussed how to create a healthy atmosphere for organizational change.

We rarely make our membership resources available to everyone. Earlier this year, we shared a conversation on marriage, so we thought we’d share another this week to help pastors think through the importance of change and how to lead it well.

Check out the video and some notes from the conversation below:

Here are the 5 points we covered in the video:

1) Do your homework first!

Develop a thorough understanding of what needs to be changed. Change for change’s sake always ends in disaster.

Plus, we have to recognize that organizational change is more than adding or subtracting a new program. It’s not a band-aid… it’s major surgery.

2) Assess if your leadership team is all-in.

Change can often bring conflict and reveal underlying agendas. It doesn’t take a majority to create change, but it does take strong leadership.

3) Starve the past.

Lasting change happens slowly.

You have to consistently communicate with passion about where you are going instead of where you have been. If you try to move forward looking in the rear-view mirror, you will end up in the ditch every time.

4) Embrace and celebrate any positive momentum.

Positive momentum is your best friend. It creates excitement!

Share stories, utilize your young people, and constantly build on the excitement of what’s ahead.

5) Understand the consequences of not changing.

You have to grasp the serious consequences if you choose not to change. Over time, your church will experience three phases: disengagement, disease, and ultimately death.

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